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How to select a route

  • Avoid National / State Highways

  • Avoid bus routes

  • Take the shortest route to reach from starting point to the ending point

  • Join others from starting point or anywhere you like

  • Make sure that you are moving in a group.  To do this, time schedule is fixed in such a way that everyone can reach Kaloor JN Stadium by 8 am.

Things to be done during the ride

  • Make sure that you know the route

  • Please understand that the safe cycle path is not a reality and ensure all the precautions for your safety.

  • Take photos of videos and upload them with #CyKochi

  • Make a note of different requirements that need to be suggested for the master plan.  Such as traffic signals, road signage, marking on the road, flyovers (for cycles), and any other requirements.  If possible, take photos to explain with clarity.

Before the event

  • Please ensure that you have a valid ticket available for Free at the following link.  This is to ensure the number of participants and inform the Police and other authorities  (Link shall appear here shortly)

  • We will inform the details of team leaders from each location/route so that you can follow their instructions

  • Tell your friends/relatives/neighbours about the event.  (We are attempting a Guinness World Record and more participation would ensure our success)

After the event

  • Submit your photos/videos on social media platforms with #CyKochi

  • Submit your ideas and suggestions for the master plan.  Its draft will be available online and you can ensure that your input is added to it.

  • After the submission of the Master Plan to the district authorities/government, follow-up meetings will be intimated to the team leaders / those wishing to volunteer for consultancy

  • Similar follow-up events can be done on 14 weekends (Saturdays / Sundays) to ensure that more people are joining, and willing to take up cycling for a daily commute, and increase motivation to ensure that such a cycling path will be used by people. This will also force district administration to consider the project seriously. 

World Record

We could try to get Guinness Book of World Records in 3 different categories


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CyKochi is an initiative of Mithradham Renewable Energy Centre.

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